School Improvement Plan
School Improvement Plan 2024-25
We are continually aiming to achieve the best outcomes for the pupils in our school. Our School Improvement Plan (SIP) outlines the key areas for the following year to raise standards across the school. Our 2024-25 SIP objectives are:
PRIORITY 1: Quality of Education
- To continue to raise the number of pupils attaining GDS writing.
- To raise attainment in writing for the disadvantaged pupils
- To close the gap between boys and girls in writing
- To ensure high standards in writing across all foundation subjects
- To implement all foundation subjects to same depth so that pupils learn and remember more
PRIORITY 2: Behaviour and Attitudes
- Reduce the number of persistent absentees and those at risk of persistent absence e.g. SEN
- Reduce the number of holidays taken in term time
PRIORITY 4: Leadership and Management
- To develop the Christian distinctiveness of our school
Our 2023-24 SIP objectives were:
PRIORITY 1: Quality of Education
- To continue to raise the number of pupils attaining GDS writing.
- To raise attainment in writing for the disadvantaged pupils
- To close the gap between boys and girls in writing
- To ensure high standards in writing across all foundation subjects
- To further embed adaptations across all foundation subjects
PRIORITY 2: Behaviour and Attitudes
- Reduce the number of persistent absentees and those at risk of persistent absence
- Reduce the number of holidays taken in term time
- Behaviour is exemplary at all times, as all pupils and staff believe in our behaviour expectations
- High need pupils' challenging behaviour is managed effectively
PRIORITY 3: Personal Development
- All pupils to develop leadership skills.
- Pupils know how to discuss and debate issues in a considered way.
PRIORITY 4: Leadership and Management
- Safeguarding procedures continue to follow current guidance and school embeds a culture of vigilance where safeguarding is an important part of every day.
- The Governing Body impacts positively on school effectiveness.
- Senior Leaders continue to develop leadership at all levels through CPD and further developing links with other schools. CPD for new Early Years Leads.
- New staff receive relevant CPD
- New leads have opportunities/knowledge to make an impact.