Bedale Church Of England Primary School

Learning and Caring Together

Firby Road, Bedale, North Yorkshire, DL8 2AT

01677 422 401

Pupils as Leaders

Across school, our Key Stage Two pupils have the opportunities to develop their leadership skills and qualities in a number of roles. This includes carrying out safety checks with our site supervisor and helping out at whole-school events like the school disco.


What we do:

  • All children in school are given the opportunity to lead an event, such as Christingle and Easter Service.
  • Our wellbeing club is organising for the clients of the Dale Centre to come to watch our Early Years Christmas play.
  • Our Military Kids Club will be leading the Christmas Lunch for visitors and governors.
  • Eco Warriors are making such a difference and leading the school successfully to be more environmentally friendly.

Here's what some of our pupils had to say about their roles:

"It's important that you learn new life skills to help you in high school and for work like counting money at the disco."

"It teaches me how to give advice and help people when I lead a club".


Our Heads of School support Mrs Turnbull around the school; have conducted surveys, greet visitors are role models for the younger pupils.

 “I really enjoyed showing (prospective) parents around the school."


Our Heads of House help out in House Worship. They take responsibility for helping our EYFS and KS 1 pupils to move around the school safely and confidently; they act as leaders in the carpet discussions, and lead the end of House Worship prayers.

In addition, a small group of Year 5 & 6 children met with Rupert (our diocese advisor) to workshop ways to lead Collective Worships, to further enhance the opportunities for children as leaders.


Children are individually awarded merits for many reasons e.g.  lovely manners, effort, super work, improvement etc

Each week our Merit Monitors collect and collate these merits and keep a running total of how many each House has been awarded. They ‘feed’ the visual tally and announce the winners of the termly treat!


The Sports Captains support the smooth running of house competitions each term. They also support lunchtime clubs,(in the summer term) and help to organise and run our annual sports days.


Our Reading Ambassadors share a love of reading and help to promote this across our school.  They have planned and led collective worships and enjoyed sharing stories with different classes.


This team does a brilliant job of keeping our well used library organised. As well as placing returned books in their correct position, the librarians also give reviews and recommendations. They run a story time club for our youngest children in the summer term too.


Our Peer Mentors are invaluable. These children have been chosen to be role models, friends and supporters to our younger children. Via a rota, pairs of mentors support the lunchtime staff on the EYFS/KS1 playground. The peer mentors help to initiate and supervise games, talk to the children and listen to any concerns, and look out for any children who may need a little support in joining in games. The younger children love having their older buddies visiting them each day and the bonds that are made travel through school with the children, helping to ease the transition to the KS2 playground.


Each year, two students from each class are elected by their peers to represent their class, to help improve the school and to promote participation in a range of school, community and national events. We actively engage pupils as participants in their education and in making a positive contribution. Our school council is for everybody and we aim to develop and promote pupil voice and service to others. Our Year 6 Pupils are School Council Leaders.


Year Six pupils help to run clubs around school, supporting teachers to run activities. These include computing club, football, cross country and art amongst others. 


These pupils help to keep our wonderful collection of books looking neat, tidy and ready for you to read.  


Keeping our corridors clear of clutter, looking good and checking everyone is safe, our corridor monitors take their job seriously and are very helpful.


These pupils help some of the youngest members of our school community, being excellent role-models for them and helping them in and around school.




Playing an important part in getting our online safety messages heard and keeping our hardware in good shape, our Digital Leaders help to monitor and maintain the computing equipment in school, help support children's learning and lead assemblies on online safety too. 


Our energy monitors make sure when no one is in the classroom- lights are switched off, and the interactive whiteboard is switched off; if it’s cold windows are closed to keep the classrooms warm, any electrical items are off, keep doors closed to keep warmth in or open to help keep cool instead of using fans and make sure taps are off to reduce water waste.