Bedale Church Of England Primary School

Learning and Caring Together

Firby Road, Bedale, North Yorkshire, DL8 2AT

01677 422 401

School Uniform

Wearing school uniform is an essential part of school life as it helps the children to take pride in their school and gives them a sense of identity.

Our school uniform is shown in the table below and can be purchased via the link on the right. You can select free delivery to school or home delivery for a small charge.





The wearing of school uniform helps children to take pride in their school.  Our school uniform is outlined below and we aim for it to be practical as well as look smart.


If you wish to purchase uniform with the school logo on, you can order online with our suppliers Emblematic at


Children are able to wear:

  • White/pale blue polo shirt
  • Grey/black skirt, pinafore, shorts or trousers or blue gingham dress.
  • Royal blue sweatshirt/cardigan
  • Sensible black shoes


PE Uniform

All PE uniform is to be kept in a named drawstring bag

  • A plain white t-shirt (with or without the school logo) 
  • Black/navy shorts 
  • Black/navy full length leggings/ unbranded tracksuit bottoms 
  • Black/navy skorts 
  • A black/navy plain sweatshirt/ hoodie jacket for outside in colder weather 
  • Plimsolls/ trainers 


Throughout the year, the children take part in different units of PE. For most lessons, trainers will be worn both inside and outside. However, for health and safety reasons, we ask children to be barefooted for gymnastics lessons.  If, for medical reasons, you feel your child needs to wear shoes for gymnastics, then we ask for them to be plimsolls rather than trainers as they have a softer sole and are safer to wear indoors.

Optional extras

  • Woollen hat
  • Peaked sunhat
  • PE bags
  • Reading Folders
  • Named water bottle


Jeans are not allowed and the wearing of jewellery and earrings (with the exception of stud earrings, which must be removed for PE lessons) is forbidden.  If children are having their ears pierced for the first time, we recommend that this is done in the summer holidays to allow the ears time to heal.


If at all possible, it is always better to have long hair tied neatly for school, again to stop the risk of injury.  Multi-coloured hair styles are not acceptable, nor are shaved heads.  Hair should be one natural colour.


Tracksuits are not to be worn in school, unless used for outdoor PE lessons.  Full PE kit is to be worn every PE lesson and should be brought into school on Monday and taken home on Friday for washing.