School Council
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Mahatma Ghandi
What is our School Council?
Each year, two students from each class are elected by their peers to represent their class, to help improve the school and to promote participation in a range of school, community and national events. We actively engage pupils as participants in their education and in making a positive contribution. Our school council is for everybody and we aim to develop and promote pupil voice and service to others.
Our School Council Leads
We are very lucky to have some super Year 6 School Council leaders this year. Watch out for them at our school council events!
School Events
This includes fundraising activities including national specific charitable events like children in need, sponsored fundraising events and also respond to children’s requests for how they would like our school to be improved.
We have been focusing on getting healthy in school alongside working towards our healthy school's award. Part of this has included the start of our Wake-Up Wednesday events. The school council have been instrumental in this event by helping to sell fruit pots and smoothies! We will continue doing our Wake Up events every half term, watch out for our next theme!
Bedale Litter Busters
The School Council contribute towards our community by helping with the Bedale Litter Busters! Once a month people in the community team up to do a 'town tidy' to keep our streets clean.
The school council have been helping Bedale with their new community garden. In school, we have been planting and growing seedlings to put into the outside planters. We worked alongside Bedale Litter Busters to plant the community garden on a sunny Sunday morning!
We join up with Bedale Litter Busters every third Sunday of the month. Come down and join us and get that community feeling!
As a big thank you to all the school council children who have worked hard all year, we went on a trip to Harlow Carr for the Healthy Schools celebration event! We had a fun filled day with three different workshops looking at different ways to stay healthy.
School council run film nights throughout the year. Watch out for their fabulous posters with the date for our next event!
Children in Need
Each year we raise money in school for Children In Need by dressing up and taking part in lots of fun activities. In November, we all dressed up in either Spots or Yellow. The costumes were fantastic and we are so proud of everyone's efforts; including the children who took on the burpee challenge. We raised a wonderful amount of over £1451.
A huge congratulations and thanks to all of the children who raised money for our Children in Need challenge by completing their BearPees! These children raised over £1000 together and today they received their special Run Pudsey medal from the Children in Need charity!
School Council Film Night
We had such a cosy Christmas film night! We had four different films showing across the school for different year groups. Popcorn and juice were served mid-interval and sweets from the tuck shop were available! Thank you to our school council who organised a wonderful Christmas film night for the whole school.
Heck News
When I Grow Up
We also look to the future. Our School Council is leading a whole school initiative to help our children to look at different career areas, understand career pathways and recognise their own skills, interests, and career goals.
Each month the school council will lead an assembly with an invited guest who will share information on their career and will answer questions from the children.
December 2024
Thank you to Connor Moore from Quickline.
He came in and worked with the Year 5 children. We did lots of recapping of online safety and sharing information online. The children were excellent at remembering our top tips for staying safe when using the internet and could give really super examples of how to keep themselves and others safe online. Connor talked to the children about the benefits of screen time and how best to use technology sensibly, including having daily and weekly limits for the time we spend on our screens
October 2024
We had a very special visit from Mr McCann who works at the Red Arrows.
He talked to us all about his job and how he was chosen to take on his special role. Mr McCann brought lots of his safety equipment which some children had the chance to try on! Mr McCann talked about the practise and perseverance it takes to be apart of the Red Arrows and showed us a video of them flying. It was a very exciting visit!
March 2024
February 2024
December 2023
October 2023
September 2023
Tony is the owner of The Pancake House in Patley Bridge which is a busy successful local business. Here are some of the questions we asked him:
Is the food you make homemade or shop bought?
What is your favourite food you make?
How long have you had your business?
Is it a family business?
What is your most popular time during the day?
What did you do to get to where you are today?
What is the best part about having a pancake shop?
Why did you choose to do your job?
How fun is your job about of 10?
What would you change about your job?
What's your favourite part about your job?
June 2023
Jo Phelps an Associate Director for Jacobs which is in the Highways Structures team from Stockton.
Jo came in on our STEM day in school. She set us a challenge to build a bridge using an inspiration from bridges she showed us. She explained that a lot of the projects that she has worked on has involved repairing or designing bridges.
May 2023
Mrs McLintock who is a Crime Scene Investigator. A CSI examines the crime scene, looking for forensic evidence to identify the Offender. We asked her:
How long did you train for?
What subjects do you need to study?
What is the hardest part of your job?
Mrs Mclintock showed us lots of the equipment that she used and explained how that helps the police in their investigation!
April 2023
Doctor Potts is a sports scientist. She has worked with Leeds United Football Club and Leeds Rhinos. She shared details of her exciting job with us by answering the following questions:
What do you enjoy about your job?
How did you train for your career?
What sports do you play?
What are the main challenges?
What did you have to study at school/university?
What are the rewards of your job?
Have you ever had a really bad day and wished you had a different job.
March 2023
Mrs Main is a manager at Betty’s tea shop in Northallerton. She kindly answered questions from the children about her career in the hospitality industry.
What do you enjoy about working at Betty’s?
How did you train for your career?
What would you change?
How do you manage challenging customers?
Is it hard being on your feet all day?
Would you recommend hospitality?
What are the most enjoyable parts of your job?
Do you love cake?
How could I train for a job as a manager?
February 2023
Mrs. Cathy Mason answered questions about running a business. The questions included:
What are the challenges of being your own boss?
Where do you get new ideas from?
Who inspired you to start a business?
I’ve got a good idea, what do I do with it?
What has been the toughest day?
January 2023
Doctor Whaley shared details of the life of a GP. The children prepared questions including:
How long did you train for?
What subjects do you need to study?
What is the hardest part of your job?
Who inspired you to become a doctor.
Do you have to work at night?
Doctor Whaley told us that she loves her work, being able to help many different people, and that her proudest moment was safely delivering a baby in a carpark!