Bedale Church Of England Primary School

Learning and Caring Together

Firby Road, Bedale, North Yorkshire, DL8 2AT

01677 422 401

School Awards

School Games Mark

Sainsbury’s School Games GOLD Award!

We are thrilled to announce that we have again been awarded the School Games Gold Mark Award for the 2023/24 academic year. Throughout last year, our children had experience of lots of wonderful sporting achievements in competitions including cross country, football, sports hall athletics, multiskills, dodgeball, cricket, quadkids athletics and in lots of school house competitions. We are so proud of our pupils for their participation and determination in sports throughout last year. The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success. We look forward to applying once again in 2025. 

Green Flag Award

Each year the Eco Warriors apply for the Eco Schools green flag, which shows that the children are actively getting involved to protect our planet and to help make changes to our school environment to make it more environmentally friendly. We are thrilled to announce that we have achieved the 'Green Flag' award for this year, which is fantastic! The Eco Schools team were so impressed with our marine mural, researching into marine wildlife and our outdoor projects. We are so proud of our children and are excited to get started on this year’s projects! 

we have an excellent record in the KS1 phonics check scores
we have an excellent record in the KS1 phonics check scores

Committed to ICT

Our school has pledged its commitment to national standards in ICT for all pupils.




Healthy Schools Award

We have been awarded the Silver Healthy Schools award! We have been focusing on the 'Food in School' theme. As a school, we have been thinking about how we can encourage everyone to make healthy food choices. To do this we have thought about the things we already have in place, for example our salad bar with a range of healthy items to add to any lunch, or by thinking about the things we can improve. We have even had a special visitor in from our catering company to talk to us all about school lunches. Finally, we have thought about how we can keep packed lunches healthy and in line with our food policy. 


Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM)

We were successful in achieving the Primary Science Quality Mark in Summer 2020.

This award has been awarded to 160 infant, junior, primary, middle and special schools to celebrate a commitment to excellence in science teaching and learning.  So far, since its national launch in 2010, over 4000 schools across the UK have achieved a prestigious Primary Science Quality Mark. 

The Primary School Quality Mark programme ensures effective leadership of science, enables schools to work together to share good practice and is supported by professional development led by local experts. It encourages teacher autonomy and innovation while at the same time offering a clear framework for development in science subject leadership, teaching and learning. Schools that achieve PSQM demonstrate commitment and expertise in science leadership, teaching and learning.

The Primary Science Quality Mark is led by the University of Hertfordshire, School of Education in collaboration with the Primary Science Teaching Trust.

Associate Professor Jane Turner, PSQM National Director said: “There was never a more important time for primary children to have a high-quality science education. The Coronavirus Pandemic has made everyone aware of the impact of science on our daily lives.  Primary schools have an important role to ensure that children understand how science works and keeps us healthy and safe. Schools that have achieved a Primary Science Quality Mark have demonstrated a significant commitment to science teaching and learning, even at this challenging time for schools.  The profile and quality of science in each awarded school is very high. Children are engaging with great science both in and outside the classroom, developing positive attitudes towards science as well as secure scientific understanding and skills. Science subject leaders, their colleagues, head teachers, children, parents and governors should be very proud.”

For more information, please visit

Mr Holmes, who is our Science Subject Leader, said: "I am extremely proud to have earned and received the prestigious PSQM award for our school. It is a great achievement that is a result of excellent science going on around us. It also resembles the hard work and quality learning that the staff and children put in towards the subject. Overcoming the challenges faced with completing the award has now given us more belief and confidence in what we are teaching as a school, and pointed us in the direct of making our teaching even better and more effective. Thank you for everyone's contribution towards the award."