Each term, we run a wide range of different clubs in school for our pupils. These are either run by school staff or by external providers. We aim to give our pupils new experiences and change the clubs through the year, so we can offer a club for all. Recently, these have included: Karate, ukulele, sewing club, Eco Warriors, sports, choosy Tuesday and science club. We also run a Military Kids club for children from service families. Over the year, 78% of pupils have attended a club at Bedale Primary.
Dance club has been very popular, we even took part in a dance competition and came 2nd! We are very lucky to have experienced dance teachers who show the children exciting routines and give them the chance to create their own styles.
We have a variety of sports clubs available, including multisports, athletics and running, encouraging pupils to be active and healthy. We take part in competitions throughout the year and are very proud of our pupils’ achievements. Over 51% of our pupils attend a sports club within school
We encourage the children to follow their own musical talents, with the choice of pop choir, choir and recorder club as well as music lessons which are available through the music hub. The recorder club had the great opportunity to perform at the Christmas fair, showing great perseverance and dedication.
If pupils have a passion for being creative, we encourage them to attend sewing, crotchet club or computer art. The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning how to sew and crotchet, which is a great life skill, and created wonderful masterpieces, e.g. pieces of fruit, scrunchies and waist coats.
Our Key Stage 2 pupils created their own Pokémon club this year. Pupils meet and build a deck of Pokémon cards to battle each other with the opportunity to trade with the other children. The pupils have learnt to be a team player and respect each other’s choices. This has been extremely popular and enjoyed by all!
On Wednesdays, Mrs Ball meets the SEND pupils at lunch for Wellbeing Wednesday, where they can play, paint and be creative. It’s a great time to talk with friends and discuss any worries they have. It’s fantastic that this year, 71% of our SEND pupils attended a non-sports club as well as 49% attended a sports club. We always welcome new ideas for clubs!
Our Eco Warriors are having a great impact in school and are helping to make a difference in our school environment and community. This academic year, we were presented with the Green Flag from Eco Schools, which is an award for excellence in environmental action and learning. Their role is to encourage the other pupils to engage in their environment by allowing them the opportunity to actively protect it and make it more environmentally friendly.
This year, we focused on these topics: marine, school grounds and water. The pupils have recycled plastic lids to create a marine mural, which the pupils are very proud of, created fact files about marine wildlife for reading areas and learnt about the impact pollution has on these animals. We also invited Yorkshire water to discuss how to reduce water waste in school, so we can encourage everyone at school to not waste water. The Eco Warriors have planted each class a spider plant to make the air cleaner and planted some fruit and vegetables as part of our healthy schools.
As a school, we supported the Samartian’s Purse Christmas Shoebox Appeal, the pupils showed great compassion collecting gifts and wrapping them up to be sent off to children with very little. We are so proud of our pupils.
Eco Warriors have recently written fantastic, witty letters to David Attenborough about how as a school we can be environmentally friendly, we can’t wait for a reply!
Please see below photos from all our clubs and the wonderful voices from our pupils.
This is what our children think...
Follow the link below for clubs on offer for Summer Term 2025
Follow the link below for clubs on offer for Spring Term 2025
Follow the link below for clubs on offer second half Autumn Term 2024
Clubs - Autumn Term Second Half
Follow the link below for clubs on offer first half Autumn term 2024
Follow the link below for clubs on offer second half Summer term 2024
Follow the link below for clubs on offer first half Summer term 2024
Follow the link below for clubs on offer Spring term 2024
Follow the link below for clubs on offer second half Autumn term 2023
Clubs - Autumn Term Second Half
Follow the link below for clubs on offer first half Autumn term 2023
Clubs - Autumn Term First Half
Follow the link below for clubs on offer second half Summer term 2023
Follow the link below for clubs on offer first half Summer term 2023
Clubs - Summer Term First half
Follow the link below for clubs on offer second half Spring term 2023
Clubs - Spring Term Second Half
Follow the link below for clubs on offer first half Spring term 2023
Clubs - Spring Term First Half
Club Leaders
We are delighted that some of our older pupils have volunteered to help support our clubs, the teachers are grateful for their help and they are doing an amazing job!
Drawing Club
At drawing club, we were creating surprise reveal drawings. The children wanted to draw a bunny because we are in the run up to Easter. We had lots of lovely chats whilst we were drawing and they’ve created some lovely pictures. Keep watching for the video of their completed reveal drawings!
Uno Club
This club continues to be a great hit, it is always fun at Uno club! According to the children it is: Amazing! Brilliant! The best club ever!
Recorder Club
Animal Club
First week of Animal Club at Bedale Primary, learning about Lizards! Children got a hands on, in depth look at a variety of lizards and geckos. Each week we will be diving into a different group of animals, discussing their habitats, biology, fun facts and of course having a hold!
Choosy Tuesday
Year 1 and 2 have been enjoying their 'Choosy Tuesday' club. These last few weeks they have been playing table tennis, using the Lego to create super models, reading books and drawing! Some of the Year 2 children have even been practicing their maths on the iPad using Numbots! They have also been decorating their biscuits and making masks and lanterns for Chinese New Year.
Jigsaw Club
Our ‘Jigsaw Club Leaders’ are absolute super stars and are so lovely with the EYFS children. They show great teamwork, communication and interaction! We are looking forward to the next session already!
Art Club
Art club is in full swing with our wonderful artist Wendi. The children used charcoal and inks to create a fantastic observational drawing.
Computing Club had fun creating their own animations using makecode and programming the microBits to display them.